Safe Distance, Immersive exhibition
May 8th - June 5th, 2024
W1Curates, London, UK
I was inspired by the work of neo-impressionists but did something they couldn't think of: I made the artwork move and unravel a story through animation. This exhibition consists of five immersive scenes based on my impressions and fears. One of the properties of anxiety is that it penetrates your memories. Here's what it looks like in my case.
Wherever I am, I can't shake off the feeling that humanity is on the edge of a global disaster. This sense makes my impressions more vivid, knowing tomorrow could bring radical changes. Despite everything, I continue to work, try to stay positive, and enjoy the beauty around me.
But no matter how much you try to ignore it, the silent thoughts return at night.
Living in the present, we want to fix time, making it tangible and slow. In this exhibition, I showcase such slow moments and bring their beauty to the forefront.
Age 3 to 16. The biggest highlight of every summer I spent in our rural house was sunflower fields. Age 16 to today. Sunflower fields are gone.
Age 0 to 18. Everything is buried under snow for at least three months a year. Age 22. The first time I saw mountains.
Age 0 to 7. I love people.
Age 7 to 27.
Every stranger is weird. Age 27. We all have more in common with each other than we think.
Age 6 to 27. I stared at a flat screen with nature in it because that was the only way. Age 28. I created an exhibition dedicated to nature for you to stare at.